XANTECH: The Most Trusted Name in IR Repeater Systems for A/V Applications

Xantech has been a leader in IR solutions for over four decades, pioneering IR remote control repeater systems for audio/video applications since the 1980s. Their motto, "You turn it on. We make it work." reflects their commitment to seamless integration. Petra, your authorized wholesale distributor, proudly offers the latest generation of Xantech IR kits and components, including the award-winning Dinky Link DL85K IR Receiver Kit. This kit sets the standard for IR performance, controlling up to four A/V components from up to 80 feet away, ideal for living rooms, family rooms, and bedrooms. With easy surface-mounting and color-change sleeves for a discreet installation, the DL85K ensures seamless control in any indoor lighting condition. Additionally, Xantech provides a range of IR components for expanding connectivity and building custom systems, catering to diverse needs in home entertainment setups.


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